Keeping You Safe At The Eye Doctor
If you haven’t been to visit your TEI optometrist this year, you might guess that some things have changed. We’re doing everything we can to keep you and our team safe during these challenging times.
We know some of you are nervous, but please, don’t skip your next eye appointment, especially if you’re experiencing any eye problems. We want to keep your eyes healthy. Here’s what to expect during your next visit:
Safety Protocols
- A facial mask or covering is required during your visit, and we are not able to provide patients with masks. Our employees will all be wearing masks.
- If you bring friends or family members with you, they will be asked to wait outside. Please arrive alone if you can.
- We’ll check your temperature at the door.
- We’re wiping down all surfaces constantly, and we have installed guards and other safety measures in each of our offices.
If you’d prefer to remain at home, we are offering telehealth appointments via a HIPAA-compliant platform. However, Telehealth is only available for some types of appointments. We will use your medical insurance for this visit and bill it as a “specialist office visit.” No insurance? No problem. We have standard rates for telehealth appointments for you. Call your preferred location to set up a telehealth appointment.
Contact Lens Safety
Yes, it safe to wear your contacts during this pandemic. Some of you may have run out of contact lenses. Avoid a nasty eye infection — don’t wear contacts past their limit. If you’re out of contacts but can’t visit us, please call and we’ll help. Some other critical tips:
- Wash your hands before inserting your contacts.
- New guidelines have been issued about contact lens solutions. You must now use a hydrogen peroxide-based solution. Use the new lens case that comes with each new bottle. If you are new to this solution, it must sit for at least six hours to clean your lenses and to neutralize. You cannot use this solution as eye drops!
- Do not sleep in your contacts.
- Remove contacts before swimming.
- If your eyes become irritated, remove your lenses and give us a call.
- Don’t stick your contact lenses in your mouth to clean them.
- Check out this nice chart of contact lens dos and don’ts from the American Optometric Association.