How Do I Know If I Have Computer Vision Syndrome?

So many of us work on a computer screen for part of or maybe all of our professional day. Then, we come home and may continue looking at screens on our phones, iPads, or e-readers. No wonder so many of us experience computer vision syndrome and may not even realize it.

What is computer vision syndrome(CVS)? Common symptoms are blurred vision during or immediately after screen use, headaches, eye strain, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. These symptoms worsen with prolonged screen use, poor lighting, glare, and uncorrected vision problems.

They also usually improve after we’ve stopped looking at our screens for prolonged periods.If you experience what you think is CVS, your first step is to schedule an appointment with your optometrist for a comprehensive vision and eye health exam.

Additional solutions are to position your monitor slightly below eye level and at a distance of 20-28 inches from your eyes. Eliminate sources of glare on your screen, and invest in a non-glare screen or treatment on your glasses. Also, remember to blink, and mind the 20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, look away into the distance for 20 seconds or more.
