
7 Facts You Should Know About Glaucoma

7 Facts You Should Know About Glaucoma Glaucoma, which refers to a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve, is often called ‘the silent thief of sight’. This nickname evolved because the disease creeps up unnoticed in its early stages, causing no pain and few, if any symptoms. However, if left untreated it […]

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New Year’s Resolutions for An Eye Healthy 2014

The New Year is a time to start fresh and renew our commitment to health, happiness and success. It’s important to include eye and vision health and safety in these resolutions. Here are the top six ways you can make your eyes and vision a priority this year. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam for each […]

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Fun Holiday Gifts That Are GOOD for Children’s Vision

The holiday season is on our doorstep. With technology so much a part of our lives, the easy go-to gifts for kids often include an enormous array of hand-held video devices and home gaming systems. Did you know that after extensive use these games can be harmful to children’s eyes and might even induce eye […]

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What You Should Know about Diabetes and Your Vision

Diabetes affects people of all ages, races and genders.  An estimated 25.8 million Americans or 8.3 percent of the population suffer from the disease, according to data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2011. In fact, diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults in […]

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Keeping Your Contact Lenses Clean

If you wear contact lenses, you probably know the hygiene routine you should follow when removing your lenses: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them on a clean, lint free cloth. Remove the lens from your eye and clean the lens immediately (if you wear multi-use lenses). Gently rinse it with […]

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10 Tips to Protect Your Vision

Did you forget to put on your sunglasses today? Are you constantly sitting in front of a computer screen without taking breaks to look away? Maybe you also skipped your yearly eye exam, again. These are just some of the things we tend to overlook when it comes to our eye health. But these seemingly […]

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This Halloween Be Wary of Costume Contact Lenses

As Halloween approaches and costume planning gets more serious, many consider the use of novelty or costume contact lenses as a way to add that extra flair. Whether you are dressing up as a cat, a vampire, or looking for something fun that glows in the dark, dressing up your eyes can certainly add the […]

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How to Prevent Dry Eyes During Air Travel

Many travelers experience dry eyes after extended travel by air. The dry environment of a temperature- and pressure-controlled air plane cabin can take its toll on your eyes. The good news is there are a number of steps you can take to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms associated with travelers’ dry eye. Here are some tips […]

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Does Chlorine Hurt your Eyes?

Just because the summer is coming to an end, doesn’t mean that we have to say goodbye to the swimming pool. Whether it means a nice refreshing dip on a warm fall afternoon or a winter swim in an indoor pool, swimming is a great activity for both fun and exercise. Nevertheless, have you ever […]

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Technology in the Classroom and the Eyes

The use of technology has become commonplace in the classroom. So much so that today’s generation of students, from kindergarten to university, navigates computers, smartphones and tablets all the time.  Many schools have even implemented the use of smart boards and bring your own device (BOYD) programs. However, as amazing as this educational technology can […]

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